


Delegates from UiTM and WHB (Malaysia) for research and academic cooperation on Solid Waste Manageme

A group discussion on Solid Waste Management (SWM) was conducted at Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) on January 27th, 2016. This meeting was prepared following the MoU which was signed in July 2015 by three relevant partners including ITC, University of Technology Mara (UiTM), and Worldwide Holdings Bhd (WHB). The main objective of this meeting is to propose the collaboration research on solid waste management and exchange program for undergraduate and graduate students. In addition to the representatives from these institutions, Ministry of Environment (MOE), Cintri Co LTD (responsible for SWM cleaning, collection, and transportation in Phnom Penh) also joined the meeting. There are totally 28 participants. The main topics of this meeting included:

  1. Solid Waste Cooperation
  2. Composting and Leachate Treatment Technology
  3. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
  4. Renewable Energy Technology
  5. Modeling and Forecasting.

This meeting started at 8:00 am. Dr. Sarann LY, Head of Rural Engineering Department at ITC introduced the participants from Cambodia and then Mr. Zamri Abdul Rahman, General Manager Environment at WHB, introduced the delegate from Malaysia including UiTM and WHB.

Mr. Zamri introduced the about WorldWide Holding activities in Malaysia specializing on consultancy & construction, renewable energy, sanitary landfill, inert waste landfill, and material recovery facilities. Concerning SWM, this company is managing 3 sanitary landfills surrounding Kula Lumpur city which receives about 5,000 tons of solid wastes per day.

Dr. Marfiah Ab. Wahid, Head Center of Study Water Resources and Environmental System (WRES) presented the curriculum of the University of Technology Mara concerning post graduate program at the faculty of engineering. In this faculty, there are four center of studies including structural and materials (StrucM), Geotechnical & Transportation Engineering (Geo Tren), Water Resources and Environmental Systems (WRES), and Construction Business & Project Management (CBPM). This faculty also provides dual program degree with university in Germany. Follow such collaboration, Dr. Marfiah has proposed to initiate the program between department of rural engineering (GRU) at ITC with UiTM. Dr. Sarann welcomed her proposal and he will consider with the department and ITC board on this issue.

Mr. NGET Vibol, Vice Chief of Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Management from MOE, presented in detail about the role and responsibility organization on SWM. He also highlighted about existing laws and regulations concerning to environmental quality protection. MOE has long vision to create environmental court. Up to date, several laws have been created: solid waste management, water pollution control, air pollution and noise disturbance, environmental impact assessment, ozone layer protection, and municipal waste management (for decentralization implementation). The recent sub-decree (MWM) give authorization to local authority to manage the waste in the region, therefore they can sign contract directly with private companies to manage the waste. To strengthen this sub decree, MOE also cooperate with Ministry of Interior as they are local authority and can contribute to strengthen this law. Regarding the SW collection, he added that, there are actually waste separation, which base on values of water (recycle waste). Currently, Cintri collect up to 2000 tons of SW per day and it just about 70-80% of waste generating in Phnom Penh. The remaining are uncollected. Up to 60% of SW collection nationwide are domestic waste.

Mr HENG Dimach, Operation Supervisor in Kuol Kork Commune presented about background of Cintri which was created in 2002 to clean, collect and transport solid waste in Phnom Penh to landfill. He also emphasized the purpose of the company to keep the city clean. Then he followed with the activities and structures of the company. Several types of collecting facilities were also presented. In order to clean and collect the waste, the base staffs face various challenges such as narrow road, inaccessible roads (unpaved), safety during the street cleaning. The negative behaviors of citizen also produce more burdens as well. Many of them do not put the waste in the provided bin or dumpster. Then many of them also put waste anytime they want. After the national event, huge amount of waste also generate. To manage the truck, all dump trucks are equipped with GPS for tracking there location.

Dr. Sarann briefly presented about background of ITC. Then he talked in detail about the curriculum of the Department of Rural Engineering (GRU) in undergraduate and graduate program. He also highlighted the relevant expertises the graduates from the departments which correspond to water resources management, water supply and sanitation, rural infrastructures, and so on. Beside these the department staffs also conduct several researches in water resources covering on Tonle Sap Lake basin and others. Then he finalizing the talk by showing the available equipments in the laboratory of the department.

Dr. Bunrith continued with a glance of the solid waste management in Cambodia. There are two main companies responsible in the sectors: Cintri Co Ltd (Phnom Penh, Sihanouk Ville, Battambang, and Kampong Cham), Global Action for Environmental Awareness (GAEA: Siem Reap, Banteay Meanchey, Kampong Thom, Kampot). Dr. Bunrith also re-emphasized on the existing legal structures in the country concerning the sector. The problem relating to the SW were on soil pollution, health impact, water and air pollution. Proper SWM was needed to solve these problems. He briefly showed the important landfill in the country including Phnom Penh, Battambang, Siem Reap, and Sihanouk Ville.

On the same day, there was also solid waste management awareness prepared by undergraduate students (6) from UiTM sharing with ITC’s undergraduates (22). This awareness was focus on the 3R (reduce, reuse, and recycle). This practice can contribute to reduce the solid waste generating in the city.

On the 2nd day, the team continued to visit the Ministry of Environment, landfill, and Cintri’s Garage and Supply office. The WHB also gave the souvenir to Cintri during this visit.

The meeting was great initiation to further cooperation as the exchange program has been proposed. Also, the joined research proposal on solid waste management will be developped in the near future.

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