


Lecturer/Researcher 2020-2021

CHHUON Kong, Ph.D. (ឈួន គង់)

Dean of Faculty HRE
Hydrology and Environmental Hydraulics

Dr. CHHUON Kong graduated Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from the University of the Philippines-Diliman and Tokyo Institute of Technology-Japan in 2016. He did an assessment on the carrying capacity of available water resources to meet the demands for people, agriculture, energy development, and environmental protection within the watershed approach in Cambodia. He got a Master’s degree in Environmental Geology from Gadjah Mada University in Indonesia. His research interest is environmental hydrology. Aside from his interests in open water environments, he is also joining the research project on climate change, watershed hydrology, and water resources engineering. Dr. Kong is an alumnus of the ASEAN Science and Technology Fellowship program which he was working on climate change issues.
Mobile: +855 (0) 10 957 037
Email: chhuon.k@itc.edu.kh or chhuon.k@gmail.com

BUN Saret, Ph.D. (ប៊ុន សារ៉េត)

Head of Laboratory
Water and Environmental Engineering

Saret Bun holds his M.Eng. and Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from Chulalongkorn University and The University of Tokyo under AUN/SEED-Net (JICA) scholarship, an Engineer’s Degree in Water Resources Engineering from Institut de Technologie du Cambodge (ITC). His current research interests are water/wastewater treatment by physicochemical processes, oxygen mass transfer for environmental engineering applications, and groundwater use and treatment.
Mobile: +855 (0) 68-721111
Email: saret_bun@yahoo.com / saret@itc.edu.kh

CHAN Ratboren, M.Eng, (ចាន់ រ័ត្នបូរ៉ែន)

Water and Environmental Engineering

Ratboren earned his Master’s degree in Engineering in Environmental Engineering from Kasetsart University in Thailand under the AUN/SEED-net Scholarship 2018-2020. In 2018, he achieved a Bachelor of Water resource and Infrastructure Engineering from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia. His scientific interests include wastewater treatment processes and development, Membrane technology, pollutant load assessment from point and non-point sources.​
Mobile: +855 93 628 124/ 78 5364 17
Email: ratboren.chan@itc.edu.kh/ratboren@gmail.com

EANG Khy Eam, Ph.D. (អៀង ឃីអៀម)

Water and Environmental Engineering

Environmental Chemistry, Water Quality Analysis, and Management, Geochemistry
Khy Eam EANG obtained his M.Sc. in mineral resources engineering at the University of Science Malaysia in 2014, and his Ph.D. in sustainable resources engineering at Hokkaido University in 2018. Dr. Eang had been working as a researcher at the Research and Development Center of Yoshizawa Lime Industry Co., Ltd. in Tochigi, Japan for a year, with a research project on the removal of harmful substances from wastewater and the aqueous-geochemical modeling. Currently, Dr. Eang is a lecturer-researcher of Faculty of Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering, Institute of Technology of Cambodia, involving some research projects on groundwater chemistry, water quality analysis, and other water-related issues which are supported by JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement) and so on.
E-mail: khyeam_eang@yahoo.com / khyeam@itc.edu.kh
Mobile: +855 12311110

HANG Leakhena (ហង្ស លក្ខិណា)

Lecturer/Researcher and PhD candidate
IWRM, GIS, Soil Sciences

Leakhena Hang received her Degree of Engineer in Rural Engineering from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia and Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of the Philippines Diliman. Her research master was about Geo-Environment and Mineralogy environment.
Email: leakhena_hang@itc.edu.kh

HEU Rina, Ph.D (ហ៊ឺ រីណា)

Water Supply Engineering, Environmental laboratory

Dr. HEU Rina was born on the 20th of December 1990 in Takeo province, southern Cambodia. After graduating from high school, she continued her studied at the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC), Cambodia, in majoring Water Resources and Rural Infrastructural Engineering for the academic year 2008-2013. She got a scholarship under the sponsored by AUN/SEED-Net program to pursue a master’s degree in Environmental Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand for the academic year 2013-2015 and a Doctoral degree in Water Environment laboratory, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan for the academic year 2017-2020. Currently, she is a lecturer and researcher at the Institute of Technology of Cambodia in the specialization of Water Supply Engineering, Water and Wastewater Treatment, Water Quality, and Risk Assessment of Environmental Ecosystem.

KET Pinnara, Ph.D. (កេតុ ពិណ្ណារ៉ា)

Head of Master Program Water and Environmental Engineering
Irrigation, Soil Science, Integrated Water Resources Management

Dr. KET Pinnara is a lecturer and researcher in the Faculty of Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering of Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) since October of 2011. She earned a B.S. Degree in Rural Engineering from ITC in 2010. In 2011, she received her M.Eng. Degree in Water Resources from the University of Liège, Belgium. Her Ph.D. Degree was in Agricultural Science and Biological Engineering from Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech – University of Liège, in 2019. Her dissertation research involved with assessing irrigation water saving for crop production in Cambodia based on combined in-situ and modeling approaches. Her research interest and expertise include soil-water-plant relationship, soil water flow modeling, irrigation management, irrigation scheduling modeling, precise irrigation, GIS mapping/modeling, soil science, soil quality, climate change resilience in agriculture. She gives lectures in Irrigation, Soil Science, and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). She was involved in consultancy and research in the field of highway hydrology, hydraulic design, and irrigation design.
Mobile: +855 (0) 78 900 477
Email: ket.pinnara@gmail.com / pket@itc.edu.kh

OUCH Rithy, Ph.D. (អ៊ូច រិទ្ធី)

Geotechnical Engineering

Dr. Rithy Ouch obtained his Ph.D in Chulalongkorn University and Tokyo Institute of Technology, Geotechnical engineering division in 2016. Research interest: Physical and numerical models of undercut slope. He graduated Master of Engineering at Department of Geological engineering, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta Indonesia in 2011. Research interest: Soft soil improvement by using lime column and micropile. He got certificate of appreciation for graduate with honors for Master’s Degree Geological Engineering. He did his bachelor of Engineering at department of Rural Engineering, Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Phnom Penh Cambodia in 2009. Major Field: Geotechnical engineering. He conducted research works at Kyoto University and Tokyo Institute of Technology involved with Shaking table, Centrifuge of embankment slope, Floor slip resistance with shear pins and undercut slope with pencil lead. He worked for Angkor Gold Corp, Phnom Penh, from January to October in 201Contact:
Mobile: +855 (0) 92996638
Email: rithyouch23@gmail.com / rithyouch23@itc.edu.kh

PHOEURN Chanarun, (ភឿន ចន្ទអារុណ)

Lecturer/Researcher and PhD candidate
Environmental science, Meteorology, Pipe network/sanitation, and GIS.

Chanarun PHOEURN received her Degree of Engineer in Rural Engineering from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia and Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of the Philippines Diliman. Her Master Degree was in the study of the spatial and temporal movement of nitrate in groundwater with the help of GIS. She has experience in working with MRC as Mekong Junior Riparian Professional (JRP), which. related mainly to flood management and mitigation.
Mobile: +855 (0) 92 971 790
Email: chanarun.p@gmail.com

SOK Khom, (សុខ ខុម)

Senior Lecturer of Structural Engineering

Khom Sok received his Degree of Engineer in Civil Engineering from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia and a Master’s degree in Structural Engineering from the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. He has extensive experience in teaching many courses in structural engineering.
Email: khom.sok@gmail.com

SOK Ty, PhD (សុខ ទី)

Lecturer and Researcher
General Hydraulic, Irrigation and Mathlab

Dr. Ty SOK earned his his PhD from French. He received Engineering Degree specializing in Water Resources and Infrastructures at Department of Rural Engineering, Institut de Technologie du Cambodge (ITC), Cambodia and Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering from Kasetsart University, Thailand. Currently, he also works as researcher involving with research projects mainly related to sediment transport and water surface water quality modeling and irrigation water management.
Mobile: +855 (0) 11 980 698
Email: sokty_itc@yahoo.com

VENG Huor, M.Eng (វេង ហួរ)

Senior Lecturer
Fluid Mechanics, Wastewater treatment and urban drainage

M. Huor Veng received his Degree of Engineer in Rural Engineering from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia and a Master’s Degree in Sanitation Engineering from Faculté Universitaire des Sciences Agronomiques de Gembloux, Belgium. He has extensive experience in teaching Fluid Mechanics, Wastewater treatment, and urban drainage.
Email: huor.veng@itc.edu.kh

CHEA Sokhom (ជា សុខុម)

Senior Lecturer
Cost Estimating and Contracting, Project Management and Rural Road Construction

M. Sokhom Chea received his Degree as Engineer in Hydraulic-Irrigation from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia. He has extensive experience in teaching Cost Estimating and Contracting, Project Management, and Rural Road Construction.
Email: sokhomch[at]yahoo.com

HONG Penghour, M.Eng (ហុង ពេងហួរ)

Environmental Engineering

Hong Penghour completed Bachelor’s Degree in Rural Engineering from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) in 2016, and a Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering from Chulalongkorn University (CU), Thailand in 2018. After that, he worked at a private company related to the environmental sector. Based on his experience works, Penghour has been involved with many projects focusing on designing and installing wastewater treatment systems for condos, apartments, hotels, restaurants, malls, and industries by using biological and also chemical processes.
Tel: +855 (0) 017 560 056
Email: hongpenghour@itc.edu.kh

LIM Samreth, Ph.D & P.E. (លឹម សំរិត)

Structural Analysis and Reinforced Concrete Design

Dr. Samreth LIM is Lecturer for both graduate and undergraduate in the civil engineering field and a design director in SNP-PT international Co., Ltd Company. He graduated doctor of philosophy in 2020 from the Royal Academy of Cambodia, a master’s degree in civil engineering from the Institute National des Science Applique (INSA Rennes), Rennes, France in 2013, and a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia in 2012. He is a professional structural engineer with experience in structural design and consultant including prestressed concrete structure, steel structure, and reinforced concrete structure.

LONG Borith, Ph.D (ឡុង បូរិទ្ធ)

Road Engineering and Construction

Dr. Borith received a Doctor of Engineering in Transportation Engineering from Hokkaido University (Japan), and a Master of Engineering in Transportation Engineering from Chulalongkorn University (Thailand). He is a graduate of Institute of Technology of Cambodia, where he received a Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering. Dr. Borith LONG currently teaches “Road Construction” subject at Department of Water Resource and Infrastructure (WRI) of Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC). He also used to teach other subjects such as Strength of Material, Land Surveying, Urban Transportation Planning and Construction & Building Technology to ITC students in the Department of Civil Engineering. Beside teaching skills, Dr. Borith is also working as local consultant/transport engineer with Japanese consulting firms in some technical assistance projects for Phnom Penh Capital Administration, Ministry of Public Works and Transport and other government agencies. He involved in many ODA projects including JICA, ADB and other development organizations in developing countries such Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Kenya, and Sri Lanka for various projects such as road design and planning, urban transport planning, transport modelling, traffic simulation, logistics strategy and policy, traffic management & improvement for urban rail project, traffic accident and safety, expressway development project, detail design of interchange construction, land surveying, building construction, airport construction and others.

SOU Senrong, M.Eng (ស៊ូ សែនរុង)

Construction Materials, Soil Mechanic Lab.

Senrong Sou has received a Master’s degree of Science in Civil Engineering from Chungnam National University, South Korea. His previous study is conducted in Geomorphologic Characteristic based on Fractal theory and Self Similarities. He has participated in research projects at the International Water Resource Research Institute (IWRRI) and K-Water, South Korea.
Tel. +855 (0) 11 222 133

ANN Vannak, Ph.D. (អាន វណ្ណៈ)

Vice Dean of Faculty
Senior Lecturer/Researcher
Hydrology, GIS/Remote Sensing, Fluid mechanics, and Soil science

Vannak ANN is an eco-hydrologist holding a PhD in Water Science and Technology from Universitat de Girona, Spain. For his doctoral research, Dr. Ann focused mainly on sediment physical characteristics affecting biogeochemical processes in the riverbed – especially, the biofilm biomass and enzymatic activity in hyporheic zones. He completed a Master (DEA, in French) in Agricultural Sciences and Biological Engineering from Faculté universitaire des Sciences agronomiques de Gembloux, Belgium – in 2009, it was merged with the University of Liège and was renamed to Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech; and a Degree/Diploma (the 5 years French education system) in Rural Engineering from Institut de Technologie du Cambodge, Cambodia. At present, the main focus of his research is the application of statistics and machine learning techniques: 1) to ascertain, especially in the context of multi-stressors, the relationships between water-soil-plant and microorganisms (e.g., bacterial structure and biodiversity functioning in soil and water) together with ecosystem components in the Tonle Sap Lake of Cambodia as well as 2) to try and predict what may happen to those microorganisms in the future. And also, he is interested in modeling hydrological processes (in a river basin) and climate change-related topics.

CHAN Rathborey, Ph.D, (ចាន់ រ័ត្នបូរី)

Water and Environmental Engineering​
Under the AUN/SEED-net Scholarship

CHAN Rathborey earned his Doctoral in Environmental
Engineering from Kasetsart University in Thailand and Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan in 2021. In 2017, he holds a Master of Environmental Engineering from Kasetsart University in Thailand, and in 2015, he achieved a Bachelor of Rural and Infrastructure Engineering from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia. His scientific interests include wastewater treatment processes and development, solid waste management and engineering, and modeling the flow of micropollutants in the river.
Mobile: +855 93 628 095
Email: chanrathborey@itc.edu.kh

DOUNG Ratha, Ph.D. (ដួង រដ្ឋា)

Incharge of Student Internship, HRE

Hydrogeology, Groundwater Modeling, and Coastal Aquifer Management, Plumbing
Ratha Doung is a lecturer and researcher holding a Doctoral Degree in Environmental Engineering from University of the Philippines-Diliman and Tokyo Institute of Technology-Japan with high distinction under AUN/SEED-Net JICA in November, 2015. Dr. Doung received his Degree of Engineering (5 years French system) in Rural Engineering from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia in 2010 and a Master’s degree in Geological Engineering (M.Eng) from Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia in 2012. His previous studies related to Geo-Environment, Geo-hazard management, the availability of groundwater resources, the interaction between ground and surface water, salinity intrusion modeling and coastal aquifer management.
Mobile: +855 (0) 977 066000 / 77 558 500
Email: doung.ratha@itc.edu.kh / doung.ratha@gmail.com

HAK Danet, Ph.D. (ហាក់ ដាណែត)


Dr. Hak has obtained her doctoral degree in Mechanical and Environmental Informatics from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, Master of Science in Environmental Engineering from the University of the Philippines-Diliman, Philippines, and engineering degree in Food Technology and Chemical Engineering from Institute of Technology of Cambodia. Throughout her academic journey, she has been involved in many research activities focusing on watershed and integrated water resource management. In addition, Dr. Hak also has experience working with many national and international organizations in the area of environmental risk and vulnerability assessment.

HENG Sokchhay, Ph.D., PE, ASEAN Eng. (ហេង សុខឆាយ)

Applied Hydrology, Hydraulic Structures, Water Resources Economics, and Hydropower Development

Sokchhay Heng has obtained his Ph.D. in Integrated River Basin Management from the University of Yamanashi, Japan, in 2014. He has received his Master’s Degree from Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, in the field of Water Engineering and Management, in 2009. Dr. Heng holds a Professional Engineer’s license (expertized in hydrology), issued by the Board of Engineers Cambodia. He is also a registered ASEAN Engineer. He has been a water resource and hydraulic engineer for TEAM Consulting Engineering and Management Co., Ltd., Bangkok, from 2008 to 2010. Published more than 10 peer-reviewed articles in international journals, Dr. Heng is a developer of the Mekong-Feasible Regional Suspended Sediment Yield Model (Mekong-FReSSY Model), a modeling tool for estimating suspended sediment yield in ungauged rivers of the Lower Mekong Basin. He has more than 8 years of general experience in the water environment, including 3 years of professional experience in hydrology, hydraulics, and water resources management.
Mobile: +855 (0) 12 712127
Email: heng_sokchhay@yahoo.com

HUN Ketya, M.Eng (ហ៊ុន កិត្យា)

Structural Engineering, Hydraulic structure

Ketya Hun received his Degree of Engineer in Civil Engineering from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia and Master’s Degree in Structural Engineering from Chung-Ang University, Korea.
Email: ketyah@ymail.com

KIM Lengthong, M.Eng (គឹម ឡេងថុង)

Lecturer and researcher
Hydrology, Water resources and surveying

KIM Lengthong received his degree of Water Resources and Rural Infrastructure from Institute of Technology of Cambodia and Master’s degree of Water Resources and Environmental Engineerings from the University of Peradeniya. His research preferences are about Hydrology and Modelling.
Contact: +855 77 828 511
Email: kimlengthong@gmail.com

LUN Sambo (លុន សំបូរ)

Incharge of Faculty Industrial Linkage
Hydrogeology, Groundwater Modeling,

Mr. Sambo LUN is registered as a Ph.D. student at the University of Tokyo in the Department of Environment Systems. He is conducting research on the interaction of groundwater and surface water by applying isotope tracing and hydrometric approach under the supervision of Prof. Tokunaga Tomochika in the Geosphere Environment Systems Laboratory. In addition, Sambo got a degree in rural engineering, from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC), specializing in water resources and infrastructures and he got a master of geological engineering from the University of Gadjah Mada in Indonesia in the division of Geo-Resource and Geo-Hazard Management relating to flood, drought, and landslide. Mr. Sambo has been actively working as a consultant on the water supply sector for AusAID, AFD. In addition, he involved in full project proposal development for MOWRAM applying for CCCAII (UNDP-project). He also experienced with Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) some NGOs such as SNV, FRC.
Mobile: +855 (0) 78​844​984
Email: lunsambo@itc.edu.kh

PEN Sytharith, Ph.D. (ប៉ែន ស៊ីថារិទ្ធ)

Hydrology and hydraulics

Dr. Sytharith PEN graduated with his PhD from River and Watershed Engineering Laboratory, Hokkaido University, Japan in 2018. He also obtained his Master of Science in Environmental Engineering from the University of the Philippines-Diliman, and Degree of Engineering from the Department of Rural Engineering, Institute of Technology of Cambodia. His research interests are river mechanics and morphology; theoretical and computational sediment transport model; river engineering; computational hydraulics engineering; and hydrology and watershed management.​
Mobile: +855 (0) 16 320 332
Email: sytharithpen@yahoo.com

SANG Davin (សាំង​ ដាវីន)

Researcher and Ph.D. candidate
Environmental Engineering, Water Quality Analysis, and Management, Environment Engineering Laboratory, Biodiversity conservative, and Management, River and Stream Ecology

Davin SANG received her Degree of Engineer in Rural Engineering from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia and Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering from Kasetsart University, Thailand. Her Master Degree was about the study of high rate sponge submerged membrane bioreactor for treatment of polluted surface water.
Mobile: +855 (0) 96 408 4419
Email: davinsang94@gmail.com / sang.davin@itc.edu.kh

SONG Layheang, PhD (សុង ឡៃហៀង)

Lecturer and Researcher
Hydraulics, Hydraulic Structures, Hydrology, Water Induced disaster risk assessment (flood), and Model Introduction

Dr. Layheang SONG finished his PhD from France. He got a Master’s degree in Hydrology Risks and Environment from the University of Montpellier, France. And he also received his degree as an Engineer in Water Resources and Rural infrastructure from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia. Currently, he is involved in many research projects related to groundwater assessment for crop diversification in the dry season, crop modelling for improved nutrient and water management of non-rice crops in Mekong low land area in dry season, and water quality and sediment assessment in Tonle Sap catchment.
Email: layheang.song@gmail.com

THENG Vouchlay, PhD (ថេង វួចឡាយ)

Lecturer and Researcher
Environmental Impact Assessment, Solid Waste Management

HENG Salpisy, Ph.D (ហេង សាលពិសី៑)

Road Engineering and Construction

Heng Salpisey has earned his Doctoral degree in the Department of Environmental Engineering from the University of the Philippines, Diliman (Philippines). He also received his Master’s degree in Geological Environmental from the Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia), and a Bachelor’s degree in the Department of Rural Engineering, Institute of Technology of Cambodia (Cambodia).
Salpisey currently instructs “Road Construction” course at the Department of Water Resource and Infrastructure (WRI) of the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC). He also used to be an instructor in other engineering courses such as Earth Dam Design and Construction, Soil Mechanics, Geographical Information System (GIS). Besides teaching skills, he experienced in working as a consultant/ advisor with international organizations and government institutions such as Open Development Cambodia (ODC), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Marie Stopes International Cambodia (MSIC), and French Red Cross (FRC) & Provincial Department of Water Resources and Meteorology of Oddar Meanchey. With his advanced skill in Geographical Information systems (GIS) and modelling, he has applied these techniques in various fields such as Water Supply systems, Health Facilities Assessment, Water Resource Management, Storm Drainage and Sewerage System Design and Road Network Design. On top of supervising many students to complete their senior projects in road/highway construction, he has expanded his research interest in hydrological and hydraulic modeling.
​Mobile: +855 (0) 12 687 218
E-mail: hengsalpisey2000@yahoo.com / hengsalpisey@itc.edu.kh

LON Sokanya, M.Eng (លន់ សុកន្យា)

Hydraulic structure modelling

MEN Nareth (ម៉ែន ណារ៉េត)

Senior Lecturer
Soil Sciences

Madam Nareth Men received her Degree as an Engineer in Hydraulic-Irrigation from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia. She was Head of the Department of Rural Engineering for more than ten years with extensive experience in teaching, management, and coordination of many projects in the Department of Rural Engineering.
Mobile: +855 (0) 12 832 757
Email: nareth[at]itc.edu.kh

NEAR Muy Leng, (នា មួយឡេង)

Senior Lecturer
Topographic Surveying

M. Muy Leng Near received his Degree of Engineer in Mining Engineering from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia and He has extensive experience in teaching and field measurement of topographic surveying.

YOANG Sothoan, M.Eng (យង់ សុធន)

Earth Dam Design and Construction
Soil Mechanics and Foundations

M. Yoang Sothon, recieved Master’s degree from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand in the field of Geotechnical Engineering
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