This workshop presents the results of some ongoing projects that have assessed such risks to natural and agricultural resources. The workshop covers three main topics: (1) geoscience and food security, (2) vulnerability analyses for water supply and (3) climate change adaptation for water resource management. Representing ITC-GRU and Cambodia, Mr. Lun Sambo made a presentation of his research results in Session 1: geoscience and food security. The title of his presentation is “Can groundwater secure drinking-water supply and supplementary irrigation in new settlements of North-West Cambodia”. Since it is a single topic talking about groundwater in Cambodia, the presentation attracted many audience and this led to a very active discussion after Mr. Lun Sambo’s speech. Other resource persons shared similar experiences from their country. In the closing ceremony, Dr. Adichat Surinkum, CCOPTS Director, remarked that we should integrate groundwater issue into water resources management policies. Shortly, this one-day meeting brought many new idea/knowledge to participants and further studies on groundwater-related field in Cambodia might come up in the near future. If it is the case, the risk on water and food security in Cambodia in the future could be maintained at minimum.