Topic of the Student Research Competition 2016, Samdech Techo Hun Sen’s Research Prize, is “Road Traffic in Cambodia”. What are the main road traffic issues facing Cambodia today? And, how can we solve them? It is open to all undergraduate students currently studying at universities in Cambodia. The candidates are required to form a team which has at most three members, including both genders. The competition is divided into three stages: concept note, proposal and full paper.
From Department of Rural Engineering, Institute of Technology of Cambodia, there are five teams submitted a concept not for the competition. Each team composes of three members, students of year 3 and 4. Their main instructors are Dr. OEURNG Chantha, Dr. HENG Sokchhay and Mr. SOK Ty. Surprisingly, four teams passed the concept note stage. Their research topics are:
- Proposing a Water Bus System to Reduce Traffic Congestion in Phnom Penh, the Capital of Cambodia
- Concept of Minimizing the Traffic Congestion in Phnom Penh
- Assessment of Public Understanding on Traffic Law in Cambodia
- Minimize the City-traffic Congestion to Avoid Negative Impacts on Environment and Economic Productivity
After receiving a training on how to construct a research proposal, organized by the research competition committee, the four successfully teams have submitted their research proposal for the competition in the second stage.