


Lecturers from Department of Rural Engineering of ITC attended two weeks training on Intergraded Wat

1. Background:

The Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and Water Resources Economics are two new topics introduced for a Master’s course at ITC-GRU. For this reason, the tentative training courses for ITC-GRU staffs being responsible for both subjects are required. Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) is one of the famous and biggest universities in Malaysia in terms of student intakes and subject offers. Besides, UiTM has a lot of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with many Malaysian governmental departments, research centers, and oversea partnerships. MoU between ITC and UiTM was signed and celebrated in Malaysia and Cambodia at the end of 2015 and early 2016, respectively. The training course hosted by the Faculty of Civil Engineering, UiTM, Shah Alam, will increase another opportunity to be internationally recognized for the water resources sectors in the faculty curriculum and foreign university partnership in ASEAN region. Since the training course involves the water resources expertise from different governmental departments and research center, improvements and updated knowledge in the water resources management area are high expected for parties, UiTM and ITC-GRU staffs.

Trainee from ITC-GRU attended this IWRM training are Dr. HENG Sokchhay, Dr. DOUNG Ratha, Mr. CHEA Sokhom, Mrs. HANG Leakena, and Mr. SOK Ty.The period of training from 31 July-13 August 2016 at University Technology Mara, Malaysia.

2. Objectives:

The main objectives of this training are:

  • To provide the professional knowledge related to IWRM and Water Resources Economics through the training activity contributed by UiTM and respective water authorities in Malaysia
  • To facilitate technical training of the ITC trainees at locations where IWRM and Water Resources Economics are implemented in Malaysia.

3. Activities/program:

There are 2 types of training activities:

3.1. Indoor training activities:

This programs is about in class activity/training and lecture from several specialist of academic institution such as University of Technology Mara (UiTM), University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) as well as from governmental institution and from the prospective partners from the government a including Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID), National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM), UniversitiKebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Putrajaya Corporation and Air Selangor, and the private companies are Worldwide Holding Bhd., Air Kelantan Sdn. Bhd and Indah Water KonsortiumSdnBhd (IWK).

3.2. Outdoor training activities:

These activities referred to the technical training and field visit in order to observe the real practice of modern technology for the management of water resources. Some outdoor training activities such as:

  • Technical Training On Water Treatment Plant Management and Design which fully used groundwater as main source at Water Treatment Plant Chicha, KubangKerian, Kelantan.
  • Technical Training On Wastewater Management and design at Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Bonus, Kuala Lumpur.
  • Technical Training On alternative water resource management and design at rainwater harvesting Facilities used for recreational purposed at PayaIndah Wetland, Dengkil, Selangor
  • Technical Training on lake and wetland design and management Putrajaya Lake and Wetland with the concept of City in The Garden.
  • Technical Training On Water Treatment Plant Management and Design which fully used surface water as main source at Water Treatment Plant SSP2, BatangBerjuntai, Selangor.
  • Technical Training On solid waste management and design at Shah Alam Transfer Stations and Jeram Sanitary Landfill, Selangor.

To sump up, this program was successfully conducted and organized.The participants were now absorbing a new knowledge and experience to be implemented troughs research, teaching, consultation and governance.

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