On 11 May 2017, Cambodian young professionals from Department of Rural Engineering at Institute of Technology of Cambodia helped in organizing a forum on “Water Corner” under the topic of Reforming a Water Sector: How to Inspire the Next Generation? In this special event, H.E. Ek Sonn Chan, Secretary of State, Ministry of Industry and Handicraft of Cambodia was invited to be the honorable quest speaker. Mr. Ek Sonn Chan had become the director of Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA) from 1993 to 2011. He shared to the participants about his experience and lesson learnt including challenges and opportunity during his works for PPWSA. With his leadership principle and strong commitment, he has made significant improvement in terms of administrative and technical works in PPWSA. Since then, PPWSA successfully rehabilitated the malfunction water supply system by increasing the distribution network to deliver safe water to million people in Phnom Penh city and water loss was reduced from 72% of the total water production in 1993 to only about 6% in 2011. From his effort with good achievement, he and PPWSA have been awarded with many regional and international recognitions. Furthermore, H.E. Ek Sonn Chan also highlighted potential working opportunities in water sector and encouraged the students to have strong commitment with working professionally. He also expressed his concern about society and reminded the young generation to start considering and changing for better living society. The pictures below show some activities during Water Corner forum.