


Master's Degree and PhD's Degree in Water and Environmental Engineering (WEE)

WEE program is developed in line with Research Unit Water and Environment at ITC that aims to tackle the environmental issues facing today. The overall program looks for solutions to environmental problems, such as global change impact, water crisis, water supply, and sanitation, wastewater treatment and disposal systems, air pollution, solid and hazardous wastes, waste minimization, and environmental impact assessment and audit to promote sustainability in our business and in our community through the ongoing development of environmentally responsible practices.

Water and Environmental Engineering is a full-time graduate program developed for all nationalities. The course requirement is divided into Core course, Elective course, Specialized course, and Research-Oriented course. In the last semester, students will be required to have a professional internship at a public or private institution that is working on their related field of specialization. In order to graduate from this program, the students are required to write the thesis and pass the thesis defense. The applicants can be ITC students or Non-ITC students which details below:

The graduate program on Water and Environmental Engineering at ITC shall be a leading international engineering program in the region to support higher education, research, and technology innovation that serve the nation and improve the quality of life.

The missions of the program are:

▪     To produce skillful and knowledgeable human resources with responsible stewardship and ethic that are useful for the nation to address challenges in striking a balance between serving socio-economic and protecting the environment.

▪     To promote proactive, green, and clean development that responds to environmental problems through enhancing interdisciplinary and multi-sectoral initiatives research collaboration, and university industrial and societal linkage.

▪     To keep improving the teaching and learning environment and facility for internationalization and attraction to local and foreign students


Program Structure:

Based on the educational qualification framework of Cambodia, for master’s degree program of engineering, the students are required to pass 45 to 57 credits. The credit requirement for the program needs to be complied with the qualification framework of ministry of education youth and sport of Cambodia. 

This master’s degree offers two years. It will accept the applicants from two categories which are ITC students and non-ITC students. ITC students referring to those who graduated Engineering degree from ITC with Faculty of Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering, Faculty of Chemical and Food Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Faculty of Geo-resources and Geotechnical Engineering. Non-ITC student refers to those who graduated bachelor’s degree from other university/institute aside from ITC, but their background must be in the field of science and engineering related to water and environment, chemical engineering, agriculture engineering, and chemistry and biological Science and engineering. Figure 8 shows the structure of the two-year program for 1st year (MI) and 2nct year (M2). 

Study Pathway and Credit Principle:

The new program of MWEE offers Coursework and research-based pathway and Research-based. Both pathway programs consist of core courses, elective courses, specialized courses, and research ­oriented courses. The number of credits required in each course category is different between Course-Research Based and Research-Based pathways. However, the total minimum requirement for the number of credits is set to be 54 credits which are the same for both pathways.
As principles for each course in the curriculum, the number of credits is divided as follows:

16 hours of Lectures equal to 1 credit 

• 32 hours of Tutorial equal to 1 credit

• 32 hours of Laboratory work equal to 1 credit

• 48 hours of Self-study equal to 1 credit

Eligibility of Applicant:

For Master of Water and Environmental Engineering is a full-time graduate program developed for all nationalities from all over the world. To be eligible for the program, an applicant must hold a BSc./BEng Degree or equivalent and also meet the requirements of the Graduate School.  The applicants can be ITC students or Non-ITC students which details below:

*ITC student

The students who graduated from ITC with the faculties listed below will start at M2.

▪     Faculty of Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering

▪     Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Food Technology

▪     Faculty of Geo-resources and Geotechnical Engineering

▪     Faculty of Civil Engineering

*Non-ITC student

An applicant must hold a Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent in the field of science and engineering such as Civil Engineering, Irrigation Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Environmental Science, Agricultural Engineering and Science, Chemistry, and Biological Science. However, the applicant will be assessed case by case. The additional courses will be required for the applicant who found to be lack basic courses in this engineering field.

Program Offering:

The Master Program of Water and Environmental Engineering (MWEE) offers three specializations 

i) Water Resources Engineering (WRE):

Water Resources Engineering focuses on basin management, provide water resources planning, modeling and design, and construction management services for water resources projects. The specialized courses for Water resources engineering will provide the students with knowledge and skill to conduct investigations including water quality evaluations and basin management studies, and provided water resources planning, modeling and design, and construction management services for water resources projects. 

ii) Urban water and Sanitation Engineering (USE):

In Cambodia, there is urgent need of water and sanitation engineering specialist to address the problems of providing adequate water supplies, and design and management of urban drainage with water and wastewater treatment facilities. The Master Program of Urban water and Sanitation Engineering aims to produce highly capable human resources to operate and manage water supply and wastewater treatment and sewage system. The program will provide students with an in-depth knowledge of how to deliver effective modern water supply and sanitation engineering. The students will learn to deal with technical aspects of drinking water treatment and distribution, as well as sewage collection and treatment (on- and off-site), in an integrated way, design the treatment plant and pay attention to the choice of technologies and services. They will be able to manage the utility function of a supply and treatment plant. The program will also train the practitioners, technical persons and decision makers who have limited capacity to become experts with strong management and responsible leadership of a development project. Once students have successfully completed this program, they will obtain a position in the wider social, economic and environmental contexts of urbanization and municipal water and infrastructure services provision. This program aims also to provide students with the tools and knowledge to contribute to the development of innovative approaches to the provision of sustainable and equitable municipal water, sanitation, environmental and infrastructure services in developing and transition countries. 

iii) Environmental Engineering and Management (EEM):

The rapid development, natural resources extraction and industrial production side-effects cause enormous impact on rural and urban environment, and society’s awareness of such effects is constantly growing. The specialization of Environmental Engineering and Management offers an integrated approach towards current and long term strategic environmental issues, focusing on technologies and concepts in environmental planning and management for green and clean industrial production systems. Particularly, this specialization looks for solutions to environmental problems including air pollution engineering and management; solid and hazardous wastes; waste minimization and life cycle assessment; environmental impact assessment and audit; and environmental control planning. 

Collaborative Partners and Supporting Projects/Programmes:​


Institut de Technologie du Cambodge

Faculty of Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering

Dr. KET Pinnara

Master Program Coordinator

Tel: +855 78900477

E-mail: pket@itc.edu.kh 

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