Water Oriented Living Lab.
The laboratory of Coastal and Wetland Environment (CWE) of ITC was established in 2021 to support the research activities of researchers and students in the coastal zones and wetland environment of Cambodia. The massive growth of urban and industrial activities in coastal provinces contributes to sustaining the economic growth of the country. The coastal environment requires deep understanding and innovative strategies to cope with the potential threat imposed by the development. The laboratory is equipped with human resources and research tools which could provide scientific-based research to improve knowledge of the coastal environment which requires continuous observation and monitoring. The CWE lab is used as the model of Water Oriented Living Lab. under the project InowAsia: Development of innnovative multilevel formation programs for the new water leading professionals in South East Asia, which is a project of Erasmus+ under action “Capacity Building for Higher Education”, co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.