The Institute of Technology of Cambodia is recognized as the top leading the public higher education institution in engineering and technology in Cambodia. The Institute was founded in 1964 as Institut Technique Supérieur de l’Amitié Khméro–Soviétique (ITSAKS), in cooperation with the Soviet Union from 1964 to 1975 and from 1980 to 1991. In 1993, the Institute was renamed as Institut de Technologie du Cambodge, it was operated by French until 2004. From 2004 to present, the Institute has been operated by Cambodian, under the Ministry of Education Youth and Sport.

  • ITC aspires to be the foremost university in Cambodia, excelling in education and research in Science, Technology and Engineering. Our vision extends to become one of the premier institutions in the region, excellence in Science, Technology and Engineering.



ITC has set 2 main missions as following:

  • Cultivate talented and skilled graduates in science, technology and engineering by 2030
  • Drive applied research aims at fostering start-up and technology transfer by 2030

Goal By 2030:

    • 17,200 talented and skilled graduates aligned with evolving needs of the job markets produced
    • 175 applied researches dedicated to fostering innovation, start-up and tech transfer developed


Strategy Plan 2021-2030

To achieve its goal, ITC has set 5 main strategies as following: 

  1. Implement academic programs to comply with national or/and international standard and develop a new academic program response to Cambodia’s labour market need
  2. Build human capitals and modernize technology for improving effectiveness of institutional governance, management systems, and financial system
  3. Develop Infrastructure and modernize equipment and technology
  1. Conduct an investment project linked with applied research, start-up, and technology transfer

Modernize school management information system and increase ITC’s visibility by sharing education and research outcomes with public

1st Strategy:

Implement academic programs to comply with national or/and international standard and develop a new academic program response to Cambodia’s labour market need 

  • Improve academic program by partnership with partner universities and industries.
  • Conduct self-assessment of each program toward accreditation and implement student’s learning outcome assessments and teacher’s performance.
  • Develop investment project for the establishment of a new academic program in response to the needs of market.
  • Promote and award faculty who achieved curriculum to meet national standards or/and undertake an investment project.
  • Use of technology for improving teaching and learning (digital transformation)

2nd Strategy:

Build human capitals and modernize technology for improving effectiveness of institutional governance, management systems, and financial system

  • Prepare and undertake HR development and qualification upgrading plan for faculty and capacity building of supporting staff.
  • Develop and undertake staff policy for awarding and promoted system according to staff annual result agreement.
  • Undertake the decentralized system to faculty/department and train staff for implementable on governance and management.
  • Invest in physical infrastructure to support decentralized implementation.
  • Develop and undertake information management system for administrative and financial management.

3rd Strategy:

Develop Infrastructure and modernize equipment and technology

  • Make a plan on the needs of physical infrastructures and equipment for supporting from MoEYS, MEF, and development partners.
  • Enabling a good environment at each department by installing sufficient equipment, tools and technology.
  • Reinforce and expand cooperation and memberships with national and international development partners for the development of lab equipment and technology.
  • Develop and undertake information system for managing lab equipment and create entity/office for the operation and maintenance of equipment.
  • Develop guideline and conduct M&E for the use of facility and equipment.

4th Strategy:

Conduct an investment project linked with applied research, start-up, and technology transfer

  • Build the capacity of researchers to apply for big funding projects from local and international agency/partner.
  • Develop and implement an investment program to achieve the result framework of the research and innovation center.
  • Carry out applied research for start-up and technology transfer linked with development.
  • Create legal documents related to public-private partnership, intellectual property rights, and expansion of industrial cooperation.
  • Provide a support for presentation, publication, and incentive to outstanding researchers.

5th Strategy:

Modernize school management information system and increase ITC’s visibility by sharing education and research outcomes with public

  • Create a 10’s year result framework at each department/faculty on curriculums and research to be achieved.
  • Use enterprise resource planning.
  • Develop a school management information system for outreaching program standards, curriculums, enrolled students, graduates, and student’s generating income to stakeholders.
  • Meet with upper-secondary school students to share the program standards, curriculum, and results achieved,
  • Organize competitive events related to incubation programs, start-up, and technology transfer.

ITC at Present

In the current context of globalization and fast transformations of new technologies ITC’s main concerns are to play an efficient role in the Cambodian society and to be at the cutting edge of development to improve our educational system.

Our goal is to provide students with a high quality education in the fields of engineering sciences and technologies. Students are provided with technical know-how and skills of analysis which allow integration and evolution in the labor market. To achieve this, the academic and international scientific research requires development.

Besides our academic activities, ITC contributes to maintain sustainable development and decrease the inequalities within our society through its internal functioning and opening-up to foreign countries and the way their students get admitted.

The current development of ITC owes a lot to the support of the national community and the great efforts made by staffs and students from generation to generation. 

In 1993, Cambodian and French governments agreed to renovate ITC with a view to improve performance of the administration and financial services along with the educational system of the institution and the human resources.

Nowadays, ITC is at the crossroads in South Eastern Asia region where several partners meet:

ITC enjoys numerous cooperative agreements with European, Regional, and local Universities.

These agreements help improve the quality of the educational program, create new degrees, and enable collaboration in new research projects and mobility of teachers and students.

ITC also enjoys privileged relations with a great number of Cambodian companies and multinationals which have branches throughout Cambodia.

Beyond regular exchanges, ITC has developed a Continuing Education programs and a large laboratory services proposal.

Years of Experience
Awards & Honors

បុគ្គលិកចំនួន៖ ៣៧៨នាក់

  • បណ្ឌិត ៩៥នាក់
  • បរិញ្ញាបត្រជាន់ខ្ពស់ ១៣៩នាក់

គ្រឹះស្ថានចំនួន៖ ៧

  • មហាវិទ្យាល័យ៖ ៥
  • សាលាក្រោយបរិញ្ញាបត្រ៖ ១
  • មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលស្រាវជ្រាវ និងនវានុវត្តន៍៖ ១

កម្មវិធីសិក្សា៖ ៤៨

  • បណ្ឌិត៖ ៥
  • បរិញ្ញាបត្រជាន់ខ្ពស់៖ ៨
  • វិស្វករ៖ ១៦
  • បរិញ្ញាបត្ររង៖ ១១
  • កម្មវិធីអន្តរជាតិ៖ ៨
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