Science and Technology Project in Upper Secondary Education (STEP UP)
Project Information:
- Project name: Cambodia: Science and Technology Project in Upper Secondary Education (STEP UP)
- Project duration: 2022 – 2029
- Budget for ITC: About 12M USD
- Funded sources: Royal Government of Cambodia & Asian Development Bank (ADB)
- Status: In progress
- Project manager: HE. Dr. Po Kimtho, Director General
- Project coordinator: Dr. Bun Kim Ngun, Deputy Director
Project Summary:
- Objective: To address the increasing demand for high-quality human resources to support Cambodia’s rapidly evolving industrial, technology-oriented, and knowledge-based economy
- Impact: High-quality human resources for a knowledge-based society developed
- Outcome: Effectiveness of upper secondary education improved
Project Output:
- Output 1: Equitable access to standard-based upper secondary education expanded
- Output 2: Quality of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics teaching and learning strengthened
- Output 3: Institutional capacity for planning, management and delivery of education strengthened
Main Activities at ITC:
- Conduct feasibility study for Cambodia Science and Technology Centre (CSTC)
- Construct a CSTC building at Win-Win Monument campus
- Develop center displays content, virtual outreach, digital materials
- Operate CSTC
- Support NIE to implement integrated TUP and CPD programs for STEM and GTHS teachers at upper second high schools