Project for Enhancing Industry-Academic-Community Networks for Engineering Research and Development in Cambodia (INACON)
Project Information:
- Project name: Enhancing Industry-Academic-Community Networks for Strengthening Capacity of Engineering Research and Development (INACON)
- Project duration: 2024 – 2029
- Budget for ITC: About 5M USD
- Funded sources: JICA
- Status: In progress
- Project manager: HE. Dr. Po Kimtho, Director General
- Project coordinator: Dr. Bun Long, Deputy Director
Project Summary:
- Overall goal: The industry-academic-community networks contribute to solving regional issues, and the highly skilled human resources in engineering that are sustainably developed promote Cambodian industries
- Project purpose: ITC performs as a hub of the industry-academic-community networks, alongside the education and research capacity of higher education in Cambodia will be enhanced
Project Output:
- Output 1: Enhancement of industry-academic-community collaborations
- Output 2: Capacity development of partner universities
- Output 3: Creating academic networks
Main Activities at ITC:
- ITC LBE Labs continuously communicate with private sectors.
- LBE Committee selects LBE teams that include gender balance in its perspective, and organizes events such as seminars or lectures to promote the women’s participation.
- UIL office upgrades their staff members through capacity development, continuously collects private sectors demands, and facilitates commercialization of research output.
- ITC accepts staff from target local universities in graduate degree programs, and increases LBE teams in collaborate with other local universities.
- ITC launches and facilitates activities discipline-based academic networks in Cambodia with target universities.
- ITC facilitates academic exchange in Cambodia