Cereal Processing Lab

Location: Building G, ground floor


Description about lab: A cereal processing lab is a specialized facility equipped to research and develop new cereal products and improve existing ones. This lab is equipped with extruder, texture analyzer, and milling.

Photos about lab and main equipment:


Texture analyzer




Research Areas:

  • Product development: Creating new and innovative cereal-based foods, such as ready-to-eat cereals, snacks, dry vermicelli, and noodle. This includes formulating recipes, optimizing textures and flavors, and ensuring nutritional value and consumer appeal.
  • Product quality test: sensory test and texture profiling


  • Rice-based and cereal-based product prototyping
  • Extruder renting services
  • Product testing (physicochemical and texture analysis)
  • Consulting on cereal-based product development

Contact information:

  • Name of person in charge: Dr. MITH Hasika
  • Position: Lecturer/researcher (GCA/FTN)
  • Phone number: +855 17 877 472
  • Email: hasika@itc.edu.kh
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