Component 2: Improving Research in STEM and Agriculture
Higher Education Improvement Project

The training and pilot test on “quality assurance of concrete pile integrity and soil properties investigation” was held at School of Engineering, Urban and Environmental Engineering (UEE) Research Unit, University of Liege, Belgium, from August 31 to September 15, 2022. Dr. ENG Chandoeun and Ms. HENG Muoy Yi received training and conducted the pilot test on Multi-Channel Analysis of Surface Wave (MASW) and Electrical Resistivity for investigating the concrete pile quality and soil properties investigation. Seismic data of surface waves were processed and analyzed using SurfSei6 software and electrical resistivity were modeled by Res2dinv software. Furthermore, they had discussion on the designed method and pilot result with Geophysics Unit research team, Urban and Environmental Engineering (UEE).
The objectives of training and experimentation are:
– To conduct pilot testing and trial experiments on quality assurance of concrete pile integrity and soil properties investigation based on new design methods.
– To finalize the research method based on the result of the pilot test.
Discussion with Head of Research team at University of Liege on condition and criteria of our trial experiment Discussion with Head of Research team at University of Liege on condition and criteria of our trial experiment Field pilot of soil properties and concrete quality: Seismic-Multi-Channel Analysis if Surface Waves and Resistivity data acquisition Field pilot of soil properties and concrete quality: Seismic-Multi-Channel Analysis if Surface Waves and Resistivity data acquisition Field pilot of soil properties and concrete quality: Seismic-Multi-Channel Analysis if Surface Waves and Resistivity data acquisition Field pilot of soil properties and concrete quality: Seismic-Multi-Channel Analysis if Surface Waves and Resistivity data acquisition Electrical resistivity data processing and data quality checking Electrical resistivity data processing and data quality checking 2D inversion model of electrical resistivity Dispersive curve analysis of surface wave 1D profile of surface wave velocity 2D model of surface wave velocity (Vs)