Welcome to STEM library of Institute of Technology of Cambodia



Welcome to STEM library of Institute of Technology of Cambodia, this  library  is  a  collection  of  science,  technology,  engineering,  mathematic  books  and  has  been  developed  since  1981 to help  students and researchers and lecturers to do their  research  activity, more than that students allow to use free WIFI with  5G technology.

Library Website

The students can use library website(bib.itc.edu.kh) for getting more information, research link and some e-books resources. We update library information everyday such as new room services, training course, workshop …etc, so students can get information  by the Facebook page of Library(Library of ITC) or group of Facebook. On other hand they can learn more on Youtube page too.

Library Services

We allow students to borrow two books per week and two times renewal.

If students  want  to use our discussion room  services, so we need student ID

card for their booking.


To keep student’s valuable safe,We provide 60 lockers for students,

In order to request locker key, all students must have ID Card.

Training Course

When new semester is coming, so we set up a  library  orientation course for freshmen students  to know  how  to use  library services such as  catalog system,  request  or  renewal,  booking   discussion  and self-study& e-learning room.

Self-Study & E-Learning

We have provided a comfortable room with 30 computer laptops for students to make their self-study or access to the e-learning system. Other hand patrons can request their demonstration presentation.

Charge Printing and Copying

We have reserved two computers for printing and copying services, so students can print documents by their  own self, student need  to pay the cheapest prices when they print or copy. On other hand students can keep their documents on that personal computer too.

Searching and Working​

Discussion & Team Work

The students can use this computer desktops connected internet for searching and do their exercise and study e-learning online system.

The students can use this computer desktops connected internet for searching and do their exercise and study e-learning online system.

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