Phnom Penh, 06 June 2024 – The Food Technology, Research, and Innovation Platform (FTRIP) has entered into a strategic partnership with the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) to elevate research and development (R&D) and technological advancements within Cambodia’s post-harvest fisheries and food sector. Today, the two institutions formally collaborated by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), funded by the European Union (EU), as part of the 13th Scientific Day and 1st Symposium on Food Technology, Research and Innovation.
The food industry in Cambodia encounters various challenges and structural complexities that hinder the competitiveness of its products and businesses. The sector struggles with limited value addition and product diversification, emphasizing the critical need for intensified R&D and innovation efforts to leverage resources effectively, reduce post-harvest losses, and enhance competitiveness in local and international markets, notably the EU markets.
To help address these innovative needs, FTRIP was established under the CAPFISH-Capture: Post-harvest Fisheries Development project, a collaborative initiative implemented by the Fisheries Administration (FiA) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). The platform is dedicated to promoting R&D and innovation, facilitating collaboration among academia, government entities, and the private sector in Cambodia to drive sustainable growth and development.
Over the past few years, FTRIP has made remarkable progress in institutionalizing R&D services to foster innovation and support the private sector over the past few years. Key achievements include the formulation of Intellectual Property (IP) policies for four national universities, the successful implementation of 23 research projects, the introduction of a new curriculum module focusing on quality and trade, and ongoing initiatives to establish a Packaging Center in Cambodia.
H.E. Professor Kimtho PO, Director General of the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC), highlighting the significance of engaging in international partnerships such as the one with AIT, said “This partnership marks a new milestone for FTRIP in strengthening the inter-institutional relationships in academic and research development but also contributing to concrete and demand-based technology solutions for the private sector.”
The EU’s endorsement of FTRIP’s pivotal role in advocating for expansion and bolstering R&D and innovation activities across the agribusiness and food sectors underscores the importance of this collaboration. “This strategic expansion from fisheries to the broader agri-food sector is poised to equip FTRIP with the necessary technical resources to continue supporting the private sector, a vital catalyst for Cambodia’s economic prosperity,” said Mr. Koen EVERAERT, First Secretary – Deputy Head of Cooperation, EU Delegation to Cambodia.
For more information, please contact:
- Dr. Sokneang IN, Senior Coordinator of FTRIP:
- Samruol IM, Communication and Visibility Expert:
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