Strategic Plan

Institute of Technology of Cambodia has a clear vision and mission in accordance as stated and defined in other sub-decree. Institute has full capacity and still be a strong public university in training human resources in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Long term strategic planning for the development defined in accordance to the expectation that is being continually implemented by the institute includes:

1 Institution development

Develop the Institute of Technology of Cambodia to be an outstanding public university institution for human resource development in the field of engineering, technique, science and technology in the Kingdom of Cambodia have been recognized from national and international communities.

2 Staff development

  • Develop the management staff and academic staff capacity at ITC to be better through participating in science researching and short, medium and long term training course in country and oversea via technology growth and globalization context.
  • Develop ITC staff capacity to be better in professional cadre, regulation, morality, virtue and responsibility.

3 Ensuring internal quality

  • Ensure and promote the quality of training human resource in engineering field with a high quality and effectiveness.
  • Ensure high quality evaluation in education quality from internal and external environment.
  • Verify and evaluate internal education quality to enhance effectiveness, quality and transparency.
  • Find out the insufficient points, strengthens and develop to ensure training quality.

4 Curriculum development

  • Develop studying program through consultancy participation from international scientific supported by board members and academic program development committee of ITC.
  • Ensure the quality and high effectiveness of specialist skill training to fit the requirement of job market, technology and scientific growing and national economic development.

5 Develop physical infrastructure

  • Ensure the sufficient physical materials (Study material, laboratory equipment, library…) and continue to develop physical infrastructure both quantity and quality to respond to the numerous students, students and professors’ need in studying, teaching, researching and real practice.

6 Scientific research work

  • Establish one Science Research Center in ITC accordance to the national and international standard
  • Encourage and support research activities in the institute
  • Enlarge and strengthen cooperation on research field with government and private institutions and partner universities.
  • Lead and conduct other research projects.
  • Strengthen and expand the capacity of scientific researchers
  • Offer job opportunity to the research professors and students by sending them to participate in research project or offer research partners.

7 Cooperation

  • Strengthen and expand cooperation with state and private sectors, international institution and partner universities to assist in funding , ideas, and materials in order to develop institution and to be the basic beneficial for the building and enhancing study, teaching and research capacity to students and professors.
  • Encourage and build good cooperation with factories, enterprises, national and international companies to create opportunity for students to have study tour, course of instruction and get job.
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