Skills for Future Economy (SFE) Project (SFE)
Project Information:
- Project name: Skills for Future Economy Sector Development Program (SFESDP) – Sub-program 1
- Project duration: 2023 – 2030
- Budget for ITC: About 6.2M USD
- Funded sources: RGC, ADB, and AFD
- Status: In progress
- Project manager: HE. Dr. Po Kimtho, Director General
- Project coordinator: Dr. Bun Long, Deputy Director
Project Summary:
- Objective: To facilitate modernization and transformation of the Cambodian industry from labor-intensive to skills driven economy
- Impact: Modernized and transformed from labor-intensive to skills-driven to aligned with Cambodia’s industry
- Outcome: Improved employability of the current and future labor force
Project Output:
- Output 1: Skills development ecosystem strengthened
- Output 2: Industry-led inclusive skills training delivered
- Output 3: Skills development fund enhanced
Main Activities at ITC:
- Developing new and/or upgraded competency-based modular training diploma programs
- Focused skills for ITC are Industrial Engineering, and IT Networking and Programming
- Developing diploma trainers’ capacity
- Provision of advanced training equipment