Component 2: Improving Research in STEM and Agriculture
Higher Education Improvement Project

HEIP-ITC-SGA#21 “Development of Cooking Oil Processes for Commercialization” is a sub-research project in Component 2: Improving Research in STEM and Agriculture, Higher Education Improvement Project granted by the Royal Government of Cambodia. HEIP-ITC-SGA#21 aims to observe the cooking oil qualities and develop the cooking oil (soybean oil and sacha inchi) process as value-added soybean and sacha inchi products in Cambodia.
The training and experimentation on “Cooking Oil Development via Establishment of Fatty Acid Profile Analysis Method, Oil Extraction, Oil Refinery Process, and Practical Cooking Oil Processing in Malaysia Factories” was held in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia, July 24 to August 06, 2022. Mr. Kong Sela and Mr. Say Manit received training on soybean oil extraction using screw press, degumming, neutralization, bleaching, and deodorization. Furthermore, they had the opportunity to visit the Research and Development center of Sime Darby Research Sdn. Bhd. which is one of the biggest palm oil industries in Malaysia. During the training at UPM, we have conducted the experiment with UPM fats and oils research team.
The objectives of training and experimentation are:
– To train on cooking oil development via fatty acid profile analysis, oil extraction, and oil refinery process.
– To learn about the refinery system installation and refinery procedure of cooking oil production including degumming, neutralization, bleaching, deodorization, and analysis of oil quality and fatty acids
– To visit the overview of cooking oil process in industrial scale for adapting the technology transfer.