Curriculum Finalization for Master’s Degree program of Water and Environmental Engineering (MWEE) and Program Preparation towards AUN-QA”, at Chulalongkorn University (CU), Thailand

Chulalongkorn University is one of international partner universities under higher education partnership program of Higher Education Institution Project (HEIP) in order to improve the higher education teaching-learning capacity at ITC to reach both regional and international standard. The partnership program between ITC and Chulalongkorn University had reached at the agreement since 15 January 2021.
Based on the agreed activities plan in 2022 for improving the quality of the master program of Water and Environment Engineering (MWEE) toward the international accreditation, two ITC staffs comprise of Dr. KET Pinnara and Dr. Chhoun Kong have conducted the overseas mission to Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand from 21 to 27 August 2022 for training on curriculum finalization for Mater’s Degree Program of Water and Environmental Engineering (MWEE) and Preparation of master program towards AUN-QA.
The objectives of oversea mission are as follows:

  • To get the experiences on document preparation and application process of AUN-QA from CU.
  • To finalize the drafted curriculum of master program of Water and Environmental Engineering with the Department of Water Resources Engineering and Department of Environmental Engineering, CU
  • To gain the experiences on the laboratory management from CU to improve the Master Program.
  • To enhance the professional and teaching skills of lecturers in the field of Water and Environmental Engineering and sharing the syllabus
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