Instructor Training on Active Learning and Problem-Based Learning

February 24th, 2020 ITC organize one full-day training workshop on Active Learning (AL) and Problem-Based Learning (PBL). The training is organized under the framework of project Erasmus + KA2, Active Learning in Engineering Education (ALIEN), 2018 – 2020. 

There are 30 instructors from 5 different faculties joining the training. 

The training aims to improve the Teaching and Learning (T&L) approaches at ITC by encouraging instructors to apply AL and PBL in their classroom. Various tools and platforms have been introduced in the training to assist instructors in designing class activities and sharing knowledge among partners in the ALIEN project, such as: the AL and PBL platform of ALIEN (online platform for PBL), kahoot (a learning game which make learning fun), google classroom (virtual online class management). In addition, to demonstrate how PBL work, the participants of the training were invited to involve in problem solving on how to build a stronger bridge. The following pictures show the activities of problem solving. 

The training was completed successfully with the bridge that built by participants. 

Videos of the training:

Photos of the training: 

ALIEN AL and PBL platform:

For further information, please contact: 

Mr. LAY Heng,

Vice-Dean of Faculty of Electronic and Energy Engineering,

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