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Co-funded by the Erasmus + CBHE (Capacity-Building projects in the field of Higher Education) program of the European Union, GREENCAP is a project that aims to enhance GREEN capacity to Higher Education Institutions through upgrading curricular and developing research based on GREEN Growth Perspectives to move forwards to foster sustainable development in Cambodia. This project involves three partners from European country such as the University of Nantes (France), the University of Southern Denmark (Denmark) and the University of Vigo (Spain), and four universities in Cambodia, Institute of Technology of Cambodia, National University of Management, Royal University of Law and Economy and University of Battambang. 

With the clear objectives to increase awareness of green business among students, and to improve student’s employability for existing and future green jobs, GreenCap has missions to take part in better establishment of strong connections between universities and private sectors to give practical insights on course curriculum and research; therefore, universities can produce more human resources as per demand of the private companies to adopt or create specific courses and diploma related to green growth as well as to promote innovative teaching on green development to increase attractiveness of courses.

In addition, GreenCap also helps to increase awareness for green higher education among universities and school students and to create a green platform to match students’ skills and stakeholders’ needs for green growth and green society.

To get more information and up coming events of GREENCAP, stay tuned with our website: Facebook Page: Greencap Erasmus+ Project | Facebook

Through the project website, in order to raise awareness for green jobs, we provide opportunity for free and unlimited publication of job offer. Therefore, if you would like to share your green job/internship via our website, you are invited to fill the form:

Our team will validate and publish your job/internship offer.


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