JOB: Assistant of Financial and Administrative


Assistant of Financial and Administrative

Since there is urgent need of Water and Sanitation Engineering specialists to address the problems of providing adequate water supplies, system design and management with water and wastewater treatment facilities, a new specialization named Urban Water and Sanitation Engineering (UWE) is created within the Master of Water and Environmental Engineering (MWEE) at the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC). This new specialization aims to produce high capable human resources to operate and manage water supply system wastewater treatment and sewage system.
In the framework of the “Provincial Water Supply and Sanitation Project (PWSSP), the European Commission has delegated a financial contribution to the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) in order to improve the offer on the labor market for suitably trained water supply / sanitation engineers and bring qualified human resources to the water and sanitation sector in Cambodia. The European Union funds under the Asia Investment Facility for the Master Program specialization on Urban Water and Sanitation is EUR 1,090,000 are implemented by the ITC.
Job description:
A position of Assistant of Financial and Administrative will work in the Institute of Technology of Cambodia to assist the Director boards of the Master Program of Water and Environmental Engineering and the Project Management Team Structure at ITC with the implementation of the EU-funded project. The Assistant of Financial and Administrative is the point of contact for prospective and current students regarding graduate program and university regulations, research activity and scholarship management. The Assistant of Financial and Administrative provides administrative support for the research unit, graduate program, students, faculty and invited lecturers within the project.
With respect to the Master program, the Assistant of Financial and Administrative will take responsibilities in accordance with the Operation Manual that will be agreed between ITC and the AFD, including the following:

  • Complete administrative tasks in support of core project operations such as:
    • Prepare financial plan to manage budgets, ensuring that they are fully compliant with all regulations and laws
    • Prepare for timely disbursements of funds on the Project account;
    • Follow-up of Project account balance;
    • Ordering payments according to the Operation Manual;
    • Technical and financial reporting;
    • Facilitating audits.
  • Procurement of all necessary equipment and logistics for research, exchange activity and field work preparation according to Operation Manual;
  • Coordinate service agreement proposal and student application submissions, including quality assurance checks and ranking, prepare and convene scholarship committee;
  • Joint organize the training and workshop for the master program and research unit Water and Environment;
  • Manage the full programming operations of the organization, guiding, implementing, and developing programs;
  • Assist the research unit, project coordinator and graduate school in relation to the project AFD;
  • Prepare and convene the Steering Committee in coordination with the project management team, prepare and circulate the minutes of the Steering Committee;
  • Perform other duties, as assigned, in the framework of the program and the Operation Manual.


  • Master degree or equivalent in finance or management with the related experience at least 1 year or Bachelor degree in management or finance with related experience at least 3 years
  • Experience in Project Management (academic, NGO or industry)
  • Full English language proficiency. French proficiency is a plus but not a requirement.
  • Communication skills, Ready to work under pressure to meet deadline and honest
  • Contract length: 1 year
  • Salary: 600-800$/ month depending on qualifications

Application Procedure:

Send CV and cover letter of applications to:
Email:, and,
Deadline for application: 19 March 2021 at 11:59pm
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for and interview

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