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In the framework of the CALOHEA Erasmus+ project co-funded by the European Union, representatives of the institute of technology of Cambodia will host the first National Dissemination Meeting in Cambodia on 11th and 12th May 2023. The institutional team of ITC who participate in Civil Engineering Subject Area is composed of Dr. Po Kimtho, Dr. Han Virak, Mr. Ly Hav, Mr. Hash Chanly, Dr. Lim Sovanvichet, Dr. Phun Vengkheang, Dr. Bun Kimngun and Dr. Pouv Keangse. ITC has involved in exchanging our own curriculum and educational pratices with other asean universities in order to deliver 3 recognition mechanisms: Civil Engineering Qualification Reference Framework, Calculation of Student Workload, and Authentic Assessment. The project has brought 14 universities and 2 advisors together to share the national practices, identify weakness of the curriculums, make curriculum improvement in order that asean universities have trust in mobility of students.
To learn more about the project, please visit the CALOHEA website at https://calohea.org/”

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