Science of Council of ASIA in Cambodia


1. Introduction of Science Council of Asia (SCA)

SCA is an international academic organization which was established in 2000 by scientific academies, etc in Asian countries which agreed on the proposal of Science Council of Japan (SCJ). SCA aims for the academic exchange and cooperation in Asian region.

SCA started with 10 initial members of China, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Afterwards, Mongolia joined in 2004, Bangladesh in 2011, Cambodia, Myanmar, Nepal and Sri Lanka in 2012, China: Taipei in 2014 respectively

Currently SCA is composed of 17 member countries/region with 29 member organizations. SCA Secretariat is established at SCJ.

First SCA Conference was held in Thailand in 2001, and since then, the annual SCA Conference is held in the member country on rotational base. In 2014, the SCA Conference was in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

2. On 2015 SCA Conference (

Date: 15th (Fri)-16th (Sat) May, 2015 Venue: Siem Reap, Cambodia

Host: Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of Cambodia, Ministry of Culture and Fine-Arts, SCA, SCJ

Expected number of participants: 80~150 people Main Program:

1) SCA Management Board Meetings

  • attended by representatives from member countries/region
  • to discuss SCA activities, future SCA Conferences, potential New Members, etc

2) SCA Joint Project Workshops (16th May)

3) International Symposium (15th and 16th May)

  • Opening ceremony by H.E. Dr. Hang Chuon Naron, Minister of Education Youth and Sport, Kingdom of Cambodia (MOEYS),
  • Closing ceremony by H.E. Dr. Phoeurng Sackona, Minister of Culture and Fine Arts, Kingdom of Cambodia (MCFA)

Keynote Speakers:

  • Prof. Takeshi Nakagawa of Waseda University,
  • Prof. Dr. Rethy Chhem, Executive Director, CDRI, Cambodia,
  • Prof. Kiyoshi Higuchi, IAF President,
  • H.E.Dr. Dr. Phoeurng Sackona, Minister of MCFA

       –      Joint Project Workshops: Prof. Shinji Tsukawaki, Ad-Hoc Expert of ICC Angkor, Prof Kanazawa University Japan; Dr. Hul Siengheng: Director for Research of ITC; Dr. Chhun Sophal: Secretariat General for the National Council on Green Growth; Prof. Kosuke MATSUBARA: University of Tsukuba Japan.

–        call for paper: February 21st 2015 is the deadline for abstract submission on the topics below

  • Contribution of Science and Technology to Culture Preservation
  • Resilience of Culture in Changing Global Climate
  • Application of Anthropology, Humanity and Green Economics toward Tourism with Sustainable Development
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