Upgrading Staff’s Qualification of one Dotoral’s Degree Student in Electrical Engineering by Joining Supervison under Partnership Program with INP-Toulouse (HEPP-HEIP)

ITC enrolled Mr. BUN Menghorng for upgrading staff’s qualification into doctoral’s degree study in the field of Electriacal Engineering at INP-Toulouse, France in the academic years 2021-2022 throught the partnership agreement with INP-Toulouse under HEIP. His research topic is entitled about “Contribution to the optimal design, control and diagnostic of an e-tuk-tuk using second life components and renewable energies”. Currently Mr. Bun Menghorng is taking 5 months study, from 11 June-11 November 2022 at INP-Toulouse, France.
The objectives of his doctoral’degree study at INP-T are:

  • To study the Life Cycle Assessment of each tuk-tuk (LPG-tuk-tuk, petrol, e-tuk-tuk, se-tuk-tuk, and reused se-tuk tuk).
  • To implement data of each tuk-tuk to assess which is the best solution to save environment.
  • To write the publication paper about the life cycle assessment of se-tuk-tuk.
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