Upgrading Staff Qualification Research Exchange of one Master’s Degree Student in Water and Environmental Engineering by Joining Supervison under Partnership Program with Chulalongkorn University (HEPP-HEIP)

ITC is in the process of upgrading and improving the quality of its study programs and research to reach at the regional or international standards through Higher Education Partnership Program under the Higher Education Institution Project (HEIP). Upgrading qualification of faculty staff is a key indicator for human resource development and is important to sustain and drive the development of ITC in the future.

Mr. CHANN Kimsan is selected for  upgrading staff’s qualification  to master’s degree study in the field of Water and Environmental Engineering at ITB by joining the supervision with Chulalongkorn University (CU), Thailand in the academic years 2021-2022 throught the partnership agreement with CU under HEIP.  His research topic is about “The Investigation of Reservoir Operational Rules and Environmental Flow Requirement Under Extreme Climate Change Scenarios in Lower Mekong Basin Tributaries”. Currently he is taking one semester (6months) research exchange, from 15 March-15 August 2022 at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.

Objectives of overseas study:

  • To apply the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) for the daily streamflow simulation from 2001 to 2019 for baseline study period.
  • To calibrate the model for the streamflow simulation under different climate change scenarios 2040s and 2090s.
  • To observe the flow condition change post and after lower Sesan II
  • To learn about Landuse map with resolution 250x250m in 2002 from Global Land Cover Characterization.
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