Principal Investigator
Dr. Kim Bunthern
Email: kimbunthern@itc.edu.kh
Tel: 077-512-157
Google Scholar: t.ly/07Fa
The traditional methods of farming and ever-decreasing farm labor availability are making agriculture economically unviable and inefficient. Research on the development of intelligent, autonomous machinery for carrying out agricultural activities is essential to improve the quantity and quality of agricultural produce. Cambodia’s economic success has relied on agriculture and the low-skill industries such as textiles and apparel. To remain competitive, Cambodia must prepare its human resource for the industries that heavily rely on science, technology, and engineering. HEIP-ITC-SGA#01 “Applied Control and Automation for Agriculture in Cambodia (ACAAC)” aims to conduct a research environment in the control system and power electronics with the main application in agriculture and rural area. The goals are to implement and produce scientific results in the research subjects of control and automation, specifically in the field of electrical motor drive and autonomous wheeled vehicles, and to create a research environment equipped with necessary equipment and instruments for facilitating the research activities in the field of control and automation. The primary outcomes are:
- Control of drive system for the wheeled electric vehicle.
- Navigation system of autonomous robot in the crop field.
The output of the cooperation of the private sector and research institution is a step forward in developing technologies in the industries and agriculture practices of the nation. The research project will be a focal point for supplying services and training to any organization interested in the development of control system engineering. With the commitment of ITC to establish a business unit interfacing the university and industries, the corporation with private sectors or NGOs to local business models are welcomed.

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