Administration office @ ITC HRMIS Workshop
Dates: September 04-07, 2022
Location: Kampong Cham, Cambodia
Host: Institute of Technology of Cambodia
Venue: LBN, Kampong Cham, Cambodia
Two-day hands-on workshop focused on Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS). Administration office and Service Informatique Team will be conducting a Hands on Workshop on Monday, September 05 face to face workshop together with the Virtual Workshop by Zoom meeting. Participants from the all faculties, centers, departments and sections are welcome to participate in this tutorial, and can register via Ms. Hang Vinchothy: 012 885269
Workshop Goals
- Train the faculty’s admin staff from every faculty, department, research center and sections in the institute of technology of Cambodia, on how to use the HRMIS-ITC.
- Learn to add, remove and edit the staff’s profile of individual faculty, department, center and section.
- Learn best practices in awards, leave management, travel, complain and warning
- Learn how to use the ticketing system to follow up works
- Strengthen the human network of administration and education community in ITC toward in developing national and regional cyber-university
- Some computer literacy experience.
- Knowledge of basics admin Internet use.
Recommended Software
- Working with every OS
- Chrome, Firefox, safari, MS Edge or opera installed in your smart device is needed
Workshop Items
- Agenda
- List of Participants
- Sponsors: HEIP@ITC
- Workshop Materials
- Admin-Docs
- Group Photo
- Workshop Evaluation
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