Oversea Mission of ITC Staff Staff Capacity Building on IoT and Cloud Technology at Toulouse INP, France under Partnership Program with Toulouse INP (HEPP-HEIP)

Toulouse INP is one of international partner universities under higher education partnership program of Higher Education Improvement Project (HEIP) in order to improve the higher education teaching-learning capacity at ITC to reach both regional and international standard.

The partnership program between ITC and Toulouse INP had reached at the agreement since July 23, 2020.

Staff capacity building is one of the objectives of this partnership. Hence, from 8th to 21st May, 2022, Mr. Hel Chanthan who is a lecturer in the department of telecommunication and network engineering of ITC participated the capacity training program on Cloud and IoTs system at Toulouse INP

The objectives of oversea mission are as follows:

  • Training of Trainer (ToT) on IoTs and Cloud technology
  • Course syllabus and content developments for 2 subjects: IoTs and Cloud Computing
  • Teaching methodology and assessments
  • Visiting the FabLab at Toulouse INP
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