Teaching Methodology and discussion for GEE lab Improvement in Motor Drive

The partnership program between Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) and the Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, and the École Nationale Supérieure d’Electrotechnique, d’Electronique, d’Informatique, d’Hydraulique et des Télécommunications (INP-ENSEEIHT) had reached at the agreement since 23 July 2022. The partnership agreement (PA) is focusing on the improving teaching and learning in the field of the electrical energy (EE), electronics and automation (EA), and Telecommunication and Network (TN).
Based on the agreed activities plan in 2022, one of Toulouse INP Professors, Prof. Maurice Fadel was invited to ITC from 1st June 2022 to 9th June 2022 for his mission on “Teaching and learning methodology of Electrical Machine”. This overseas mission led by Dr. CHRIN Phok, Head department of Electrical and Energy Engineering (GEE); and Dr. AM Sok Chea, Vice-head of GEE with other lecturers of GEE and was conducted successfully with fruitful discussion and results.
The objectives of his mission to ITC are:

  • Teaching Methodology on Electrical Machine for Engineering Students
  • Quality Lab Manual/management on Electrical Machine for Engineering Students
  • Identification of Lab equipment and Lab set for Electrical Machine, Motor Drive, and Power Electronic
  • Teaching Methodology on Motor Drive for Engineering Students
  • Discussion on the Department Management/ Lab Management
  • Reflexion on new GEE curriculum
  • Collaboration research
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