Component 2: Improving Research in STEM and Agriculture Higher Education Improvement Project

HEIP-ITC-SGA#09 “Improvement and development of rice-based products toward the growth of SMEs/Industries in Cambodia” is a sub-research project in Component 2: Improving Research in STEM and Agriculture, Higher Education Improvement Project granted by the Royal Government of Cambodia. HEIP-ITC-SGA#09 aims to improve the quality of rice-based products and to develop instant rice noodles and rice cereal/cracker.
The 1st training on “Design of Rice-based Processing Laboratory Establishment and Rice-Based Product Processing” was held at Kasetsart University, Thailand from 22 – 25 June 2022. Dr. MITH Hasika, Principal Investigator, and Dr. PHAT Chanvorleak, Head of Food and Nutrition Research Unit and also Research Member, received training from two different units in Kasetsart University namely Faculty of Agro-Industry and Institute of Food Research and Product Development. The objectives of training are:
– To design the rice-based processing laboratory including the installation of necessary facilities, apparatus for product quality analysis, management, and procedure.
– To discuss in details of project activities and prototype development.