Under the Higher Education Improvement Project (Credit No. 6221-KH) supported by MoEYS/World Bank, a research (HEIP-ITC-SGA#19) team from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (Dr. OEURNG Chantha, Mr. CHAN Ratboren, Dr. SOK Ty and Dr. SONG Layheang) has joined a professional training on Flood Risk Management from August 22, 2022, to August 26, 2022, at Aalto University, Espoo, Finland.
The training has been provided by the Water Development Group (the leading water research group in Finland). The training has offered sound knowledge and experience in the practical modelling and programming for the hydrological data management and modelling. The team has opportunity to visit and learn experiences from the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission. The research team from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia will seek the future collaboration opportunity in flood risk management research with the Water Development Group from Aalto University of Finland.
Technical presentation by ITC researcher Technical presentation by ITC researcher Lecture of global hydrological datasets in the Mekong given by Aalto University researcher Lecture of integrated water-related modelling given by Aalto University researcher Lecture of water-related reseaches given by Aalto University researcher Lecture of real-time flood assessment given by Aalto University researcher Lecture of R programming for water-related disaster assessment given by Aalto University researcher Lecture of R programming for water-related disaster assessment given by Aalto University researcher Mekong seminar: results and significance of recent archaeological work in Angkor Visit at Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission Visit at Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission