Upgrading Staff Qualification Research Exchange of one Dotoral Degree Student in Water and Environment by Joining Supervison

ITC is in the process of upgrading and improving the quality of its study programs and research to reach at the regional or international standards through Higher Education Partnership Program under the Higher Education Institution Project (HEIP). Upgrading qualification of faculty staff is a key indicator for human resource development and is important to sustain and drive the development of ITC in the future.

Ms. LAI Chenda is selected for  upgrading staff’s qualification  to doctoral degree study in the field of Water and Environment specialize in Sustainable Agronomy by joining the supervision with Chulalongkorn University (CU), Thailand in the academic years 2021-2022 throught the partnership agreement with CU under HEIP.  Her research topic is about “Optimization of Soil Nutrients for Rice Cultivation Using Experimental and Modeling Approaches”. Currently she is doing research exchange at CU by getting training and analyzing her samples for 3 months, from July-September 2022 at Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.

Objectives of 3 months research exchange:

  • Training on root, plant, and grain analysis
  • Analyzing of Nitrate, Phosphate, and Amonium essay
  • Training on root system, anti-oxydant, and other short course training in Botany lab
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