Higher Education Improvement Project (HEIP)
- Project Name: Higher Education Improvement Project (HEIP)
- Project duration: 2018- 2024
- Budget for ITC: about 23M USD
- Funded sources: Royal Government of Cambodia & World Bank (IDA)
- Status: In progress
- Project Manager: HE. Dr. PO Kimtho, Director General
- Project Coordinator: Dr. Bun Kim Ngun, Dean
- Summary:
The project development objective of HEIP is to improve the quality and relevance of higher education and research mainly in STEM and agriculture at targeted higher education institutions, and to improve governance in the sector.
- Project components
- Component 1: Improving Teaching and Learning Capacity
- Sub-component 1.1: Improving Teaching and Learning
- Sub-component 1.2: Improving Institutional Capacity
- Component 2: Improving Research in STEM and Agriculture
- Component 1: Improving Teaching and Learning Capacity
- Main activities at ITC:
- Construct 1 building for training and research and 1 dormitory in new campus in Phnom Penh
- Signed Partner agreement with 6 partner universities; Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), KU (Thailand), INP-ENSEEIHT Toulouse (France), IMT (France), Curtin (Australia), ITB (Indonesia)
- Develop tools: IQA, HEMIS, Tracer study, Student Grievance, FMM, PIP, HRM/D, PAI
- Singed STEM local partnership
- Conduct 25 research projects